Pistis Sophia


by Amoraea
Digital art 2008

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In this allegorical vision, a central priestess is joined by her fellow priests and priestesses for the complete embodiment of the ‘Sophia’ or ‘Shekinah’ or Goddess energy. Above her, an infinite plenum of spiritual force is being delivered into an archetypal chalice, and descending down around her as a spiral helical column of light. The male priests hold strong support in a triad to help anchor the potent energetic dispensation from ‘The Heavens.’ As the Grail , the Divine Feminine Receptive principle, she offers herself as the container for the Energy / Information and generates the matrix for the Light to imbed itself into manifestation. And this is also the secret to the Grail Mystery. In Old French, ‘san graal’ or ‘san gréal’ means “Holy Grail” and ‘sang réal’ means “royal blood”. Here we start to get a clue into the deeper functions of the DNA and blood — the Golden Spiral creates charge compression and becomes a massive fractal attractor, energizing the blood with the primal material that births stars into existence, and spins Holy Light of the Father into the Grail/Womb Matrix of the Mother.

“Pistis Sophia” – Full Description

The Holy Grail has throughout history held many connotations and symbolic ideals. Likewise in this painting, the Grail holds a multi-dimensional representation. The Divine Feminine as the Receptive principle of Nature, offers Herself as the container for the Light / Information and generates the matrix for the Light to imbed itself into manifestation. She is magnetic; She is the unifying gravity centrifugal spin that pulls all things back into Union. She incarnates through all of us, and she is the incarnating principle itself that draws us into our embodiments, again and again and again…

This vision is also a hyper-physics map of the mechanics of Creation. According to Dan Winter’s pioneering research into implosion physics and Golden Mean Spiral Fractality, the Grail actually represents the electrical spin path of energy perfectly embedding itself through the geometries of the Golden Mean Spiral ratios into the gravity-making black holes that are at the center of everything (from atoms to planets to stars to galaxies). The Grail, as the Feminine Magnetic gravity compressor, attracts through its spiral magnetic lines, all information to come into form. From the Divine Gnosis or Logos, brought through the stewarding Archangels (arcing their angles to spiral in-form-ation into the Cup of our Soul), the Eternal Wisdom is carried into resonant form as the sacred Languages (represented in painting from left to right – Sanskrit, Greek, Japanese, Egyptian, Arabic, and Hebrew).

Our earthly languages are sourced from a more primary language of light/sound. Those strands of language represented in the painting could very well be likened to the strands of our DNA, whose electrical spiraling geometries create superconductive spinpaths to perfectly braid together energies / information from our Godselves (Quantum Source Field) to the neuro-biological antenna of our bodies.

Looking closer at the Grail geometries, you will see fractal spiraling patterns. From the periphery the energies are magnetically drawn towards the center and become smaller, but increasingly brighter and more compressed with light / information. This is Grail Physics ! This is the fractal charge that creates Black Holes and makes star implosion! And this is also the secret to the Grail Mystery. In Old French, ‘san graal’ or ‘san gréal’ means “Holy Grail” and ‘sang réal’ means “royal blood”. Here we start to get a clue into the deeper functions of the DNA and blood — the Golden Spiral creates charge compression and becomes a massive fractal attractor, energizing the blood with the primal material that births stars into existence, and spins Holy Light of the Father into the Grail/Womb Matrix of the Mother. Looking at this painting as a whole, you will find the greater vision of the chalice/grail form – the cup composed of the fractal light patterns, the stem, as the spiral helical pillar descending down around her, and at the base as the concentric rings of blue light rippling out from the central priestess into the earth. The priestess is helping to anchor these sacred energies as she brings her extended hands and root chakra firmly to the ground.

The name Pistis Sophia in Gnostic traditions refers to a Divine persona and translates from the Greek as ‘Faith Wisdom.’ She represents a divine feminine creative energy which, through ignorance, unwittingly implants divinity in the lower Aeons. This act causes her to lose her position as a dweller in the Thirteenth Aeon. The harmony within the Thirteenth Aeon and its interconnection with the Higher Heaven Realms is disrupted by Sophia, who wishes to know the mysteries of the Ineffable. It is from her that “The Fall” occurs, and the creation of the material universe and the Human form is born.

In this elaborate cosmology, there is also the power of the Virgin of Virgins connected with the Holy Spirit, which has been restricted in its function, but which is now being restored through the prayers of Sophia. The very nature of the Pistis Sophia is to restore the female virgin matrix. For the Gnostics, the drama of the redemption of the Sophia through Christ or the Logos is the central drama of the universe. According to the Pistis Sophia Coptic texts, Christ is sent from the Godhead in order to bring Sophia (and by allegory, all human souls) back into the fullness of the Pleroma following her (and thus our) repentance. We may take repentance in this sense to mean a casting off of constructs of our lower desires that trap us in illusion. Through the active wisdom that we are inherently Divine by nature, we begin our Ascent, but Wisdom alone is not enough. It is through Pistis or Faith that we surrender to the Mystery and allow the Divine to take us into the Ineffable.

Ultimately, Pistis Sophia is the marriage of the divine feminine and masculine principles: the faith of wisdom and the wisdom of faith that enjoins Spirit with Matter once more. The Christian Gnostics understood Sophia’s archetypal presence as part of the Divine potential embedded within all of humanity. She awakens the divine spirit and incites slumbering materiality to higher states of awareness. She is the mirror of the human soul, a spark of divinity trapped, but capable through the active balance of Faith and Wisdom to liberate oneself from ‘the lower forces of Creation’ or self-willed, separating thought-forms of illusion.

The ceremony shown here is set in a stone henge circle in England. Stone circles, like crop circles, are created where the magnetic ley lines or ‘grail lines’ converge upon the earth and generate that same principle of charged compression that spins energies coherently together and birth ‘black / white holes’ that are portals to other earth grid energy sites. This is the importance of Sacred Sites: they act as transmitters and receivers of energetic information brought through the planet and through the antennas of our Soul and Sacred Biology. May we remember evermore our Holy Grail Commission to steward these cosmic divine energies into the planet for the Awakening of Consciousness through all Beings !

The “Ceremonial Activation” series

As a species we are reaching a pinnacle of global enlightened intent that has not been seen since Atlantis. It is happening through the awakening of each individual soul into their own embodiment and inherent purpose, and it is also happening through the ‘mission imperative’ of focusing our light and prayers in groups together to call down the energies required for waking up humanity as a whole. This has always been the highest resonant intent within the Circles of Old that have continued to incarnate throughout time in all cultures and parts of the world, known as the priests & priestesses, shamans, wizards, bodhisattvas, keepers of the Secret Faith and servants of the Law of One.

The intent of this series is to depict the direct transmission of superluminal energetics and focusing power within these sacred groups that have honed their ability to collectively engage and call upon Source to descend the ‘Light of Heaven’ into the Chalice of Form and Communion. When we focus our hearts and spirits together, it is like creating a ‘light lens’ or prism for God to come through. Sacred sites that hold resonant lines of force are always chosen to act as antennas and anchors for the ascending and descending lightflows the group ceremonially activates. By ‘ceremony’ we mean consciously invoking with spiritual focus the higher powers of the Cosmos/Creator and of our own sovereign souls… and by ‘activation’ we describe the transformational portal that is switched on in us and the collective field for each one to embody their full potential.

These sacred images capture the revelation and majesty, awe and epiphany that naturally exalt each being as they offer themselves fully to the Higher Power. They also capture the unseen or subtle luminosity that many experience when they enter these expanded states, and invite the viewer to turn inward and join the priests & priestesses in remembering that most selfless and imperative of purposes for incarnating during these times – to serve the awakening of the species as a whole and act as balance counterpoints for the great misuse of energy that is simultaneously occurring within the karmic schoolhouse of Earth.

These images are also scenes from Amoraea’s forthcoming novel on ceremonial activation and Soul Ascension, entitled ‘The Sacred Covenant.’

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10 x 14 Giclee Paper, 18 x 24 Vinyl, 24 x 36 Vinyl, 24 x 36 Giclee Canvas


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