Divine Human Blueprint
Course Manual & CD
What does it mean to be a modern mystic? A sacred alchemist? An alchemist is a meta-programmer. When you become aware of the dynamic structure of your Soul and the blueprint of Creation, you will have a much larger playground to play in!
These 65 richly packed pages with 30 images and diagrams are keys to your Resurrection that reveal the subtle dynamics of creation that allow us to enter Creator Consciousness, access & sustain Soul awareness, and understand the quantum Intelligence that sources our reality. The intention behind this course is to expand and deepen your extrasensory range of awareness and creative expression.
What will this course manual transform in me?
Transmissions, wisdom & tools to reprogram your perspective on life, establish Self sovereignty & energy mastery, and find nourishment from a new source within. Receive inspiration on how to live from your mythic source, resurrect your place in the collective wheel of awakening, and harness your Soul’s Blueprint to remember your power as a Reality Creator. Come explore the path of awakened love, mystical union, soul rebirthing, empowerment practices and the body as living temple!

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1st Chapter and
Guided Meditation

1st Chapter and
Guided Meditation


Chapter 1:  Revealing Our Soul’s Design

  • Our Divine Human Blueprint ....................................................................... 1
  • The Map to Our Future ................................................................................ 1
  • Creating Spiritual Definition ....................................................................... 2
  • The Spirit – Body Connection ..................................................................... 3
  • The Engineer’s Plan ...................................................................................... 3
  • Anchoring the Divine Blueprint .................................................................. 4
  • Guided Meditation #1 :  8th Chakra Activation ............................ 5
  • Our Purpose on Earth (As it is in Heaven) .................................................. 8
  • The Gift ......................................................................................................... 9
  • Planetary Service ........................................................................................ 10

Chapter 2 :  Lightbody Activation

  • The Crystalline Lattice ............................................................................... 11
  • Lightbody and the Merkaba Connection ................................................... 12
  • Hieroglyphic * Holographic ....................................................................... 12
  • Sacred Geometry and Cymatics ................................................................. 14
  • Architects on Earth match those in Heaven .............................................. 15
  • Guided Meditation # 2 :  The Lightbody and Soul Star ............. 15

Chapter 3 :  Light & DNA

  • Software / Hardware Interface .................................................................... 19
  • DNA is the Bridge to Higher Dimensions .................................................... 19
  • The 12-strand Structure of DNA ................................................................ 20
  • The Biology of Bliss and Consciousness ..................................................... 21
  • Soma, the “Spiritual Hormone”................................................................... 22
  • As Above, So Below ...................................................................................... 23
  • Guided Meditation #3 : Stargate DNA Activation ....................... 24

Chapter 4 :  Hyperphysics of Consciousness

  • Introducing the Torus ................................................................................ 27
  • The Torus and the Spiral ........................................................................... 28
  • Fractal Self-Awareness .............................................................................. 29
  • 12 Scales of Creation ................................................................................. 30
  • Guided Meditation #4 : 12 Scales of Creation ............................. 31

Chapter 5 :  Ascension & Awakening

  • Going All the Way ..................................................................................... 37
  • What is Ascension ? ................................................................................... 37
  • Mastering the Domain ............................................................................... 39
  • Guided Meditation # 5 :  Accessing the Genesis Medium ...... 39

Chapter 6 : Soul Awareness

  • The Key to Immortality ......................................................................... 43
  • Redefining Our Identity ......................................................................... 44
  • The Manifestation Loop ......................................................................... 45
  • Tantra ....................................................................................................... 46
  • You Are the Divine Consort ! ................................................................. 48
  • Guided Meditation #6 :  Eye-Gazing & Soul Star Meeting .... 49

Chapter 7 : Planetary Evolution

  • Shift Happens ............................................................................................. 57
  • Unified Field Science ................................................................................. 57
  • DNA and Time Harmonics ......................................................................... 59
  • Stargate ....................................................................................................... 60
  • Planetary Unity Grid .................................................................................. 60
  • Guided Meditation #7 : Stabilizing the Timeline of Perfection .... 62
  • Conclusion .................................................................................................. 65
QUOTES from the Course Manual
From Chapter 1: Revealing the Soul’s Design
“Though it may seem ephemeral to us sometimes, what we call the soul is indeed more permanent, real, and finely structured than the greatest architectural legacies ever built on our planet. As the sacred thread that carries us through and between lifetimes, the soul’s seamless design weaves itself into wholeness throughout the warp and weave of space and time. But the greater tapestry can only be glimpsed when our human eyes see past the apparent stitch of our present body-mind complex and awaken to Our Self as the Weaver. Each of us, as a Weaver, has woven our entire essence into this ongoing ritual act called Creation, devoting that which we sew as an offering to the Supreme Creator.”

“Though our soul’s great weave spans many more worlds and dimensions than just the surface of planet Earth as a human, it is here in these bodies that a pivotal transformation and anchoring of certain teachings, assimilations, and purpose will occur. Behind the backdrop curtain of all incarnations on the Gaian stage is an illuminating master Director with a script promising a Transfiguration and Awakening of Divinity in the body.”

From Chapter 2 : Lightbody Activation
“We may imagine that the body is the tip of a great cone, the very final point of the funnel of vast amounts of energies and dimensions of our spiritual being… not separate from our spirit, but in truth the coalescing junction of our manifold Self. Our bodies are antennas to sense and broadcast conditions within the world of form. They are an arrangement of highly refined systems to tune us in with the subtle realms of Spirit at play in the manifest world.”

“Our Lightbody is comprised of energetic nodal points as well as the cascades of energy that flow between the points. The cascades are harmonic waves of information being translated and stepped down the octave scales to finally become the chakras and meridians within the body. The picture we begin to get of the Lightbody is a highly ordered structure like a crystal lattice network. The overall lattice network is a super-position of varying layers that communicate through these common junction or nodal points. Think of our physical 3D body again, as a precipitation of the informational light spectrums and energies of our Lightbody. This means that the Lightbody precedes the physical and utilizes the 3D body as the vehicle that can interact within this dimension.”

From Chapter 3: Light & DNA
“A mysterious design indeed, DNA seems to be at the fringe between software and hardware, for its very structure is a resonating antenna and gravity vortex for light and information to be attracted into. It is self-aware material, intelligent beyond our conception, and seems to be God’s ingenious code to spiral light into matter. Though it is physical at one level, DNA is also the pure principle of consciousness itself, gene-rating the movement for pure quantum information to dance its way into form.”

“The 12 – strand super-helix shape literally creates a superconductive attractor for energy to implode through the speed of light and become crystalline-encoded consciousness. The process of bringing these higher strands ‘on-line’ might be a lock-in-key kind of process. We have mentioned that superconductive light bio-photons are always traveling through the super-helix, but perhaps it requires certain light patterns encoded with specific script to influence specific codons to pulse awake.”

“Time always seems to be part of the ‘perfect plan of unfolding’ in that the sequence of our awakening (translated here as both spiritual AND bio-genetic) synchronizes with our own soul destiny, collective humanity, and the greater influences of Astrological cycles, solar emissions, and galactic photon emanations. All evolution fits like nested interlocking wheels within wheels, seamlessly designed in feedback loop rhythms, firing pistons in the great Genesis engine of Creation’s Spiral.”

From Chapter 4: Hyper-Physics of Consciousness
“Any concept of waking up simply for the purpose of self-realization has missed the point of the gifting process that happens when our being becomes a lens for the Creator. It is an unspoken truth that the more we wake into higher consciousness, the greater the mantling embrace of our awareness absorbs the collective into our folds. We come to know ourselves as inseparable from all humanity, the living planet, galaxy, and universe at large, and our unification with those levels of being overlights and blesses all within them.”
From Chapter 5: Ascension & Awakening
“Evolution can either be a passive gradual unfolding, or it can be an active direct penetration into our full potential. You must call it forth if you wish to be revealed the Mysteries of the Ages! It is with this passionate drive to awaken that we take our brief glimpses into transcendent spaces and make every effort to sustain them more – we widen the lens by whatever means we can, in every budding moment. Deep desire to reclaim your Light sends the signal to your Higher Self like a ‘Clarion Call’ that you are ready for the ‘new codes’ of self-mastery to be downloaded into your being NOW !”

“One of the sublime qualities that make us human is our ability to not only look towards and perceive the future, but to literally vision and create our potential evolutionary spiral. We are in a feedback loop with our future reality, and it may be that when we are given the intuitive sense of direction about what to do next in life, it is actually our future self guiding us towards its domain.”

From Chapter 6: Soul Awareness
“We practice holding higher points of assembly in these expanded dimensions with increased awareness, honing the light above from a diffuse ‘carbon state’ into a brilliant infinitely dense ‘diamond light.’ Think of these chakric points of assembly as progressive ‘eyes of perception.’ There is not just a ‘third eye’ at the forehead chakra, but actually a 4th, 5th, 6th, and ongoing progression of all-seeing eyes at ascending stratums of consciousness.”

“It must be expressed again — to enter the Oneness (with the planet, universe, or with another person) is not a dissolving of the individual. Rather, the Oneness is found through the clarity, strength and fullness of our individuality. We are both expanding and compressing our Light parameters through the identity-whirlpool called ‘I’. A greater, more coherent defining of Self allows that much more of us to enter every sacred contract of relation.”

From Chapter 7: Planetary Evolution
“If you believe in reincarnation, quantum theory, and destiny, it is not that big of a leap to believe that all of our incarnations throughout time are quantumly connected and influencing each other holographically. This is an evolution from the idea of lifetimes happening sequentially one after the other, into a more toroidal, higher-domain infrastructure of how our Oversoul evolves and organizes the structures below it (here in 3D spacetime).”

“Freedom from ego desire comes from an inherent desire for freedom itself. Desire is natural, and without it spiritual growth becomes a dead-end street. Desire is implicit in our search for freedom because there is a part of us that remembers it, longs for it, and hears the echo rippling from that Eternal Moment of our victorious Awakening – within the aspect of our self that is forever free. We are sparked awake by it, and the longing is a homing signal to deliver us onto its shores. That is why I emphasize the role of Divine Passion – spiritual fuel for the emotional body! True change happens because the spirit is progressively compelled by an evolving connection with Source that is irresistible. This is the reason Krishna devotees call Krishna (…Godhead…) ‘The All-Attractive One’ – we are swept up in our rising devotion to the supreme principle of God Within. ‘Resistance is futile’ once we reach a certain stage in the game…”

What do an Atlantean Priestess, Essene Monk, ancient Aborigine, Mayan Timekeeper, Peruvian Shaman, Quantum Physicist, and 6 other time-traveling characters all have in common? As the tectonic timequakes caused by some prophetic future event begin to ripple through the hologram of existence here on Planet Earth, a synchronizing progression of experiences will reveal their woven destiny … one that is seamlessly connected with the origin of humankind!
Join Beloved main characters Kira and Kalesh as they discover their Soul Family and reclaim the memory of their Ancient Future destiny. This is a sacred mission that pulls them across the planet from the sacred stargate sites of Peru and Tibet to mystical Hawaii and Egypt. Every step of the way reveals archetypal wisdom teachings of Mastery, ceremonial embodiment, and surrender to higher destiny. Learn what the Sacred Covenant is that binds us ALL to the Higher Evolutionary programs of Light taking place on the planet … the mystery of history, the mechanics of Time, the synchronicities of Consciousness, the doorway of Love, and the Eternal Plan of Perfection governed by our Higher Selves on our inevitable journey Home to Source.
Like a Celtic Knot through history, The Sacred Covenant traces the interconnected journeys of 6 characters in the
present and 6 characters seeded throughout other moments
in this 26,000 year cosmic time cycle who all begin to become aware of each other’s existence and inescapable destiny. A seamless series of events synchronized by a quantum spacetime machine built in our near-future provides the backdrop for a multi-dimensional plot that will serve to propel the characters not only closer to their fate, but closer to their Enlightenment.
Perhaps nearer to truth in its symbolism than fiction, The Sacred Covenant elicits revelations on the subjects of Soul Awareness, Multi-dimensional consciousness, Destiny, Quantum Physics, Planetary Awakening, Ascension, Tantra, Love without End, and the Human Potential. The Question is no longer ‘Are we ready for the Shift?’ but instead ‘How can we embody our Highest Mastery in order to steward the Plan of Perfection?’ This novel has been engineered to awaken memories of Your Divine Blueprint and role within the Planetary Ascension Program