The Sacred Covenant


by Amoraea
Acrylic art 2007

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See the Holographic version of this painting!(Click Here)

Read about the upcoming “Sacred Covenant” NOVEL(Click Here)

It is here in this ancient temple under the Sphinx of Egypt that the Sacred Covenant was initiated and Project Earth made realized by the unified intent of 12 chosen beings from a distant star. Now, millennia later, a lineage is rewoven, a promise and destiny remembered, through the incarnation of 6 men and 6 women (only 5 shown.) Their journey’s End and Beginning culminates here, as the Stargate Portal is reactivated and the codes of human genesis viscerally embodied once more.

“Sacred Covenant”– Full Description

Within the Vaults of Time sleeps Aeternal a place of Human Origin. The sediment of civilization’s history now safeguards this secret chamber from those who have forgotten that they are Stewards of the Light and instead pay allegiance to the shadows of ignorance. Below the Sphinx and the desert plateau of Egypt — which in more ancient times was a thriving jungle — the Ancient Ones (or ‘Akhus’ as the Egyptians called this race far pre-dating their own) chose to seed their Light Codes into the planetary genetic bank and the minds of Men who would flower from Them.

It is here that the Sacred Covenant was initiated and Project Earth made realized by the unified intent of 12 chosen beings from a distant star. Now, millennia later, a lineage is rewoven, a promise and destiny remembered, through the incarnation of 6 men and 6 women. Their journey’s End and Beginning culminates here, as the Stargate Portal is reactivated and the codes of human genesis viscerally embodied once more. Completely surrendered to a higher destiny, each listens to the One Voice that directs their ceremonial movements in synchronization to open the pathways and equations that will dissolve the fabric of Time. Now, as the golden spiral ratios of Light begin to spin, the waveform of three-dimensional space collapses in upon itself to open a doorway to Infinity! Light, most precious and holy emanation of Source Creator Itself, reveals its limitless splendour and immaculate design to these 12 (only 5 shown) who thread a circle around a central column, and create the Consciousness Force that sparks the Opening. Expressed in the original language of Geometry and perfect fractal proportions that connect all dimensions together, it is indeed the geometry of their souls that are required to initiate once more what was begun by the Dream of the Ancient Ones. The central column provides a grounding antenna for the incoming energies to anchor. These energies (packed with infinite density of Cosmic Information) funnel down in a precise geometric formation called the Tube Torus, which is truly the Unified Field so long sought after by exoteric scientists. From the Infinite Quantum Potential, Source uses this exact ratio to embed Itself into the matrix of matter. Equally so is this the pathway of Consciousness to return to the Higher Potential of Its Original.

On the central column is another ancient geometric mandala of creation known to us as the Sri Yantra. However, this geometric code was not created by humans but rather discovered as a perfect map and emanation of Creation Itself. The Sacred Geometry in the center where the whirling energies from above and below unite is actually the same geometries that encompass the sphere of our planet, and are the subtle energetic infrastructure for regulating and harmonically embedding cosmic energies throughout the Earth. Above each of their heads is an emanation of pristine celestial light some call our ‘Soul Star’ or 8th chakra, which connects us with our Divine Blueprint.

‘The Sacred Covenant’ was designed as a still-frame of an interactive experience, which holds the Keys to Life and Light. There is an entire script encoded within the painting, awaiting you to engage and remember your place within it. Indeed, this is the cover to the forthcoming novel with the same title currently being written by the artist. It is a story, though, written by all of us – The Greatest Story Ever Told !

The “Ceremonial Activation” series

As a species we are reaching a pinnacle of global enlightened intent that has not been seen since Atlantis. It is happening through the awakening of each individual soul into their own embodiment and inherent purpose, and it is also happening through the ‘mission imperative’ of focusing our light and prayers in groups together to call down the energies required for waking up humanity as a whole. This has always been the highest resonant intent within the Circles of Old that have continued to incarnate throughout time in all cultures and parts of the world, known as the priests & priestesses, shamans, wizards, bodhisattvas, keepers of the Secret Faith and servants of the Law of One.

The intent of this series is to depict the direct transmission of superluminal energetics and focusing power within these sacred groups that have honed their ability to collectively engage and call upon Source to descend the ‘Light of Heaven’ into the Chalice of Form and Communion. When we focus our hearts and spirits together, it is like creating a ‘light lens’ or prism for God to come through. Sacred sites that hold resonant lines of force are always chosen to act as antennas and anchors for the ascending and descending lightflows the group ceremonially activates. By ‘ceremony’ we mean consciously invoking with spiritual focus the higher powers of the Cosmos/Creator and of our own sovereign souls… and by ‘activation’ we describe the transformational portal that is switched on in us and the collective field for each one to embody their full potential.

These sacred images capture the revelation and majesty, awe and epiphany that naturally exalt each being as they offer themselves fully to the Higher Power. They also capture the unseen or subtle luminosity that many experience when they enter these expanded states, and invite the viewer to turn inward and join the priests & priestesses in remembering that most selfless and imperative of purposes for incarnating during these times – to serve the awakening of the species as a whole and act as balance counterpoints for the great misuse of energy that is simultaneously occurring within the karmic schoolhouse of Earth.

These images are also scenes from Amoraea’s forthcoming novel on ceremonial activation and Soul Ascension, entitled ‘The Sacred Covenant.’

The Visionary Art of Amoraea Dreamseed

I use art as a medium to translate the ‘Higher Light Programs’ into visually encoded images that evoke memories of our Spiritual Heritage. The Quest for the Soul hidden behind all incarnations, the spark of Intelligent Light behind each molecule of matter, the Eternal Essence behind every culture and time period – these are the themes that are universal and speak to any heart upon their path of Awakening. We are being called to live Life as High Ceremony, to discover the Sacred Covenant between our souls and Source Creator, to rise to our masterful status as Lightkeepers, Priestesses, Wizards, and Servants of the Life Divine. Throughout all paintings you will find the nature of Co-Creation inherent, as this is the Theme of Life – sacred relationship, collective stewardship, active participation with Source. These ‘Ensouled’ images are intended for interactive holographic engagement with your own Higher Self. Each painting may be received as a living altar or sacred gateway, and indeed make for powerful images to place at your altar or space of meditation for recurring memory of your Perfect Ascended Nature.

Experience more of Amoraea’s Visionary Art, Soundtracks for Ascension, Lightbody Seminars and Ceremonies.

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10 x 14 Giclee Paper, 18 x 24 Vinyl, 24 x 36 Vinyl, 24 x 36 Giclee Canvas


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