Pillars of Ascension


by Amoraea
Holographic art 5X7



The theme expressed through the conjunction of these images is the ascension of consciousness through a transfiguration of the soul into a higher dimension. Each landscape depicts a mystical place, royal and illuminated, upon which the transfiguration is occurring. These landscapes or scenes reveal how the subtle realms begin to glisten and enliven the characters’ experience, as if we are getting a glimpse through their awesome perspective of the ‘Grand Event.’ You will notice a central axis on each image upon which the character or characters are rising up and through in their consciousness. As our consciousness ascends, it unites with the Supreme radiating Source as well as with all the beings who eternally reside in that space. The pillar theme is inherent in all images also as a representation of the etheric pillars that bridge heaven and earth together. Discover much, much more of the interlocking secrets of these 3 original images — Divine Human Blueprint, Vajra Ascension, and Starseed – within my original art descriptions pages !



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